22 April 2012

Review of iPad


 At least in the short still we describe the basic parameters of the iPad, not to be deprived of anything. As usual, the packaging is just a bit bigger  than the actual monitors, which it hides with charger, sync cable, a declaration of conformity, a miniature instruction, one-year international guarantee certificate and a pair of stickers  apple. Weight alone device is 680 grams and dimensions are 18.97 x 24.28 cm. If it is to imagine, just cut the paper A4 5.5 cm in height and width of 2 cm. Overall, it looks from the front and rear as well as the iPad Apple LED Cinema Display, a display bounded set in a black frame aluminum body. As the tradition says Apple, the Mac / PC is connected via the dock connector, which is located next to the speaker, then find his body headphone jack, microphone placed next to him. As for buttons, contains an iPad to control the volume, home button, trip and sleeping in one click and The battery, according to Apple iPad should last 10 hours, in fact it is 10.5 hours with pay Wi-Fi and brightness to about 85% backlight, and I all the time to let iPad play music, movies and engaged Safari, or playing games ! In addition, if you begin to resist and battery after a year it will not achieve the guaranteed lifetime, Apple will give $ 99 for a new iPad! Just the old in any condition to submit a $ 99 fee will get a whole new device!
check out fallowing video

Black frame around the iPad never bothered because have it on both MacBook Pro and LED Cinema display. Apple is right, do not disturb the line and the image appears as if from nowhere, at night, extremely impressive. If the iPad except elegance also effective, since you can not hold the device other than that for the black stripe. If the screen from side to side, it would not hold the device first and second, how would you have any grip immediately squeezed the sensitive screen and accidentally lowered function, the iPad will not. The actual body is modeled LED Cinema Display and MacBook dented in the rear, where there is also a plastic Apple Inc. logo. The logo is made of plastic on the ground that there is a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antennas, which would not let the aluminum signal. If the iPad lay on the table, lies practically only logo on the plastic and aluminum to affect the surface of the table, but the plastic is very sensitive to scratches. If the table is any dirt or crumbs, you can easily scratch the logo. This also applies to all the monitors, which is paradoxically the toughest place to just scratch the display. The first thing you have to buy iPad should buy is a container, it does not matter whether the original Apple iPad Case, or one from the third-party. The advantage of the rounded back is that you can take from the table with one hand as you crawl under his fingers, which in normal use you will appreciate. The display is really easy change and just enough to grease from the skin itself, you can easily wash before each touch of your fingers, Fortunately, with reference to the display with IPS technology with a strong brightness, which is much larger portion than the iPhone 3Gs not pay to see the screen smudges. Bad point is Apple does not supply any pack cloth on the screen, for example, which I monitor and iPod touch first generation got. Overall, the iPad works perfectly and if you choose the position in height, you are able to hold it and thumb type at the same time, so even if you do not consider it writing on a pad. One of the drawbacks is the perfect battery weight, which is working with iPad reflected. If you hold it and work with two hands at once is not a problem. A little bit to feel the weight when holding with one hand, do not worry, once you have an iPad in hand, never once thought like you think and everything you lose yourself completely and intuitively immediately!