28 December 2012

what is jailbreaking your iphone

what is jailbreaking your iphone
what is jail breaking your iPhone
What is jail breaking your iPhone

I Phone, iPod touch and iPad mean have access to the entire file system of Unix. In terms of UNIX, it comes to the evolution of the root of the directory structure of Understandable definition of jailbreak.

why jail breaking your iPhone?

A hack that gains access to areas of the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad users should not mix with. Normally this is a prelude to all cool programs; open the phone setup for use with another cellular network, or both. 

Through prison break you can add additional applications to your iDevice. You can do this by an application called Cydia to your iDevice to add. You can also modify your iDevice icons, wallpaper, dock, status bar, chat bubbles, weather backgrounds and keyboard ... etc you wonder why you want to jailbreak your iDevice? More information about how to jailbreak iphone 4 with ios 6.

For more information about the jail breaking
Warning: Jail breaking will void your warranty.