22 July 2013

Samsung will supply retina display for apples

Samsung will supply retina display for apples  newyork
Asian media reported that the South Korean company Samsung will supply Apple Retina-class displays for use in the manufacture of a new generation tablet iPad and iPad Mini.
Sources from Samsung told reporters that the South Korean company will not be the only supplier of such products to the California Apple, however will occupy a key position.
According to the report, Samsung is preparing for Apple 7.9-and 9.7-inch touch screen Retina display with a resolution of 2048x1536 pixels. First in the queue for supplies including a screen for iPad Mini, which should appear on store shelves in the III quarter of this year.
Deliveries will begin later and larger screens for classic Apple iPad.
The first tablets with screens of this type are third-generation iPad. Then Samsung also participated in the production of those components. Other suppliers Retina displays for Apple and Sharp are the company LG Display.

Today's iPad mini fitted with conventional displays, which produces a Taiwanese company AU Optronics.